Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Confessions of  Professional Hypochondriac

I was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease at the ripe old age of 36. I consider that to be the step up from amateur hypochondriac status to the big 
leagues. I officially retired from gainful employment when I was 35. Unfortunately, disease collecting is not an Olympic event, and  there are no celebrity endorsements. Just a disability check from the CPP once a month.

My hypochondria started in grade school. I think I would miss half the school year with colds that would start with the first snowfall and would keep me streaming thick green snot until spring. 

Allergies, eczema, hives, and all sorts of tummy trouble rounded out my childhood disease collection. 

In my 20s, I moved on to more serious afflictions that would require lifetime prescriptions. Pernicious anemia is controllable with a B12 shot once a month. Hypothyroidism needs levothyroxine. But these were still in the minor leagues.

I dallied with Rheumatoid Arthritis for a couple of years, but thankfully that one didn't stick. I still take Arthrotec for what has been declassified as osteo arthritis in my hands and knees.

In my early 30s, I moved on to fibromyalgia, which has still not been undiagnosed, so I am assuming I still have it. 

All of these ailments have taken a backseat to Parkinson's. This diagnosis moved me up to the big leagues. It is a hypochondriac's dream diagnosis. With this one, I will never have to work again.

The preceding rant is just an example of my twisted sense of humour. It was not meant to make light or dark of any disease - this is just My Life with Parkinson's.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Keeping a Medical Journal

Keeping a medical journal to track symptoms, changes in medication, notes on visits to doctors, physiotherapists and other professionals, plus anything else that is pertinent to your condition is a very good idea. Consistent record keeping will help your doctors to make the best choices for your treatment.

You would think that being a writer myself, knowing the importance of consistent record keeping, that I would follow my own advice. The truth is that despite the fact that I am at my computer for at least 8 or 9 hours a day, I am the world's worst record keeper. 

I am very good at starting new charts and setting up new systems, and I usually have very good intentions of turning over new leafs, but I am frustratingly lazy. Why are good habits so hard too keep? Bad habits - no problem - they practically keep themselves! Wasting a whole morning watching TV, spending hour after hour on Facebook, staying up until the wee hours yet again - all very easy to accomplish. Writing book length comments on other people's work is so much easier than writing a page or two for my online earning accounts. I convinced Hubby that I needed a new laptop with a webcam so that I could make entries in a video diary. I made daily entries for a little while, but I couldn't keep track of my files and I made a mess of my folders. And then I started telling myself that I would make an entry as soon as got dressed and put on some make up. 

If you have Parkinson's, or any other chronic condition, please don't follow my example. And  I will do my best to start doing as I say and not as I do as well. 

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Insanity has taken over my brain along with the Parkinson's. I have registered to participate in the Parkinson Superwalk this year. I am gathering pledges toward a goal of raising $500. for Parkinson's research.